Mix flour and salt together. Make a hollow in the center and stir in egg. Gradually add the milk. Mix completely and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (preferably).
Re-mix the batter. Fill a ¼ cup half way, or measure out 2 tablespoons of mixture, and set aside.
For each crêpe, melt about a teaspoon of butter/oil in a pan on medium heat. When it begins to smoke, lift the pan from the heat and tip to coat the entire bottom of the skillet. Pour in premeasured batter and quickly swirl by tilting the pan to distribute the batter evenly across the bottom. Return the pan to the heat and cook.
After a few minutes, you will start to see some bubble blister appear on the surface. The underside of the crêpe at this stage is starting to brown. Flip and cook about 30 seconds on the other side. Remove to a plate and continue with remaining batter.
Maple Cream Cheese
Stir together maple syrup and cream cheese until combined.
Dallop maple cream cheese over warm crêpes and top generously with blueberries.
Recipe by Jellibean Journals at https://jellibeanjournals.com/blueberry-cheesecake-crepes/