Ah, the start of a new year. New challenges, resolutions to write, fresh opportunity. For me, I love getting the year started with a good read and a piping hot peppermint mocha. Whatever your jive, here are five books sure to help you get the year off to a great start! Though not every book is geared just to moms, I’m confident that most women with children (small or grown) will enjoy the read. If you’re not a parent, these books make great gifts too.
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
I’ve been following Kristen Welch’s blog for nearly a decade, in awe of her transparency, failures-turned-triumphs, and down-to-earth practical work to help the poor. When I found out she’d written this book for moms, I immediately added it to my Amazon wish list.
The title and peppy cover caught my eye as I browsed a local bookstore. And what a fun/inspirational/encouraging read it turned out to be. Not only does Gretchen Rubin outline her own happiness project with monthly goals, but she shares loads of happiness research from dozens of books and ancient wisdom that’s practical, doable, and even makes you laugh out load.
Each year I aim to read through the entire Bible, starting in July. Last year around that time I picked up this Bible from a friend’s bookshelf and haven’t put it down since. Reading the Bible in daily doses, pre-divided out for you in pieces of Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs each day makes Bible reading easy and assures you that you’ll finish in one year. It’s a bit different than my usual chronological read, and for that reason I’m getting even more out of it!
This year marks my third read through this book. There’s a lot of insight here, especially for worn out parents or those just hoping to gain wisdom and insight toward raising well-behaved, healthy kiddos.
If you love making friends and family feel special via thoughtful gifts, you’re gonna loooove this book! It’s full of creative, unusual, and ultra-personalized gift ideas that your loved ones will remember for years to come. Lauren Lanker is another blogger whose creativity is limitless, and I’m dumbfounded by the clever ideas she’s packed inside this book.
Fill us in! What books are on your reading list for 2017? Leave a comment below and share your favorite reads.
One of my goals for this year is to do LOTS of reading! 2016 kind of failed in that area. ;P
OOO.. I love this list. There are a few there that I may have to check out when I get a free minute. I agree about the One Year Bible. I think it is so interesting to read in that format. Thanks!!!
These all sound awesome! Especially the happiness project book! It’s always nice to have a plan on what you want to read at the beginning of the year, and this for sure helped!
So happy to link you up, Chelsea! The book is really a fascinating read and of course, very uplifting and encouraging. After finishing a chapter just a few minutes ago, I felt like I could tackle 3 month-long projects in one fell swoop. Hope you take the time to enjoy it! P.S. I love your pink avatar, so cheerful!
Great list, thank you! I have way too many books I want to read, but compiled a list of the ones I want to read most. If you are interested yu can see it here: http://fabulousclassroom.com/2017/01/new-years-resolution-read/
Yay! I can’t wait to read your list, Marcy. I am always always looking for good books, and here in Latin America the English selections are few and far between, so when I have an upcoming trip to the states, I bank on saving lots of luggage space for reading materials…and I’m heading north in just a few months! Perfect timing.
ohhh – thinking outside the gift box looks amazing! I will have to get it. I have loved the happiness project and the one year bible. that keeps me on tract just to stay faithful to daily reading!
Marie, I’ve gotta be honest, I’d never heard of The Happiness Project until it called my name in the bookstore one day. It’s nice to know that someone else who is obviously not an “unhappy” person took the time to read it too. When I told a friend about the book I felt awkward at first, as if only a dismal or depressed person would bother with such a book, but now I know that it’s totally untrue. Hope you give a look at Outside the Gift Box!
I just started The One Year Bible. I look forward to seeing what I’ll learn in this new one year plan. It seems like no matter how much I read, there is always more to learn.
That’s the beauty of the Word. It’s living, and we can always learn more of God’s truth every time we go over a passage.
Such a great grouping of books for moms to read. I’ve seen a few of those titles floating around and have them on my wish list for the future.
I’ve really been wanting to get “Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World.” It’s been popping up a lot lately. God is trying to tell me something!
All of these sound great! I’m especially interested in the healthy boundaries one. Does it address children of all ages?
I’m definitely gonna add these to my Amazon wishlist!
Yes, Beka, for the most part the principles and practical applications do address all ages, though if I remember correctly, the authors focus a wee bit more on older kids or preteens. Nevertheless, with kids under 5, I still got (and get) lots of wisdom out of it!