Today, after months of having read HowtoEataCupcake, baking with Bakerella, and agreeing that CupcakesTaketheCake, I´ve decided to venture into blogdom. Unaware of how to find new templates, add quirky humor or plain entertain (or receive the bountiful product samples of the aforementioned bloggers) I now venture into a whole new universe. To blogdom and beyond!
About Jelli
Jelli is a blogging veteran and avid baker who’s been selling sweets to feed her chocolate addiction for 8+ years. When the polka dotted apron’s hanging up, she’s a full-time mama to three kidlets enjoying the crazy days of motherhood and pumping out brownie recipes from her sunny Costa Rican kitchen.
How To Eat A Cupcake says
Glad to have you in the blogosphere! ;D