When your family lives thousands of miles away in the landlocked Midwest, you oblige them when they visit Costa Rica with a trip to the beach.
My mother visited a few months ago and we headed to a beachhouse in Tivives, Puntarenas, owned by a friend of a friend. Ticos are generous. They barely knew us and yet handed over the keys to their beachfront property. Score.
The weather forecast was dreary that weekend. In fact, the day we’d planned to drive to the beach, the homeowner phoned to let us know that the dirt road had been wiped out from flooding. After a day’s wait it was semi-repaired and our compact car trudged through the muddy dirt road that mostly only SUVs generally brave.
The rainstorms kept us at the house most of the time, where my mother was introduced to raw country life, crocodile-infested waters, long hikes to the area’s lone mini market for bottled drinking water, and a long stretch of unswimmable beach where we viewed an amazing lightning storm at dark.
One morning we managed to hit the nearby tourist beach, Jacó, where we sat in the sun for an hour or so and then caught a bite to eat. The vacation wasn’t your typical sunny beach weekend, but my mom quickly got acquainted with a very different side of Costa Rica than the urban jungle where we live.
How fun! My husband and I went to Honduras for part of our honeymoon and we went to a place that looked similar to this, way away from all of the touristy stuff. It’s different experiencing beaches like that but I actually like them more! Also, that last picture of your husband holding your son on the beach is precious!
I am so sad that I’ve never got to experience anything like this, though I’ve always wanted to. At some point, I hope to get out of the US and see some of the world. Your photos are gorgeous!
Thank you so much, Jamie. My husband and I love to travel though the budget doesn’t really allow too much of it, especially now that my toddler has passed the free airline ticket phase of life. Glad you stopped by today!
shame about the weather fun to be with the locals though
Hi Jelli, I don’t know if you remember me or not, from the
Russell Rd. Church. You were a teenager then. I graduated
from nurses training with your Grandma Barb. I love to follow you online, keep up the good work! You have a beautiful family and you look so happy. Take care. Lucille
Lucille, thanks so much for taking a second to stop by and say hello. It’s so nice to connect with people I actually know in “real” life here on the blog. Hope you’re doing well. Would love to have you visit back again soon.