This easy teacher gift idea is a super fast way to show appreciation to the teachers in your life. Just pick up a few key items at the local supermarket, arrange them in a sturdy, colorful caddy, and let your child present them to his or her teacher on the first day of school. Bonus points if you re-stock the caddy every few months.
One jet-speed supermarket run.
One fantastically useful and super appreciated teacher gift.
One clean and healthy well-stocked classroom where your child will thrive!
My mother-in-law just got a new job as a second grade teacher. In celebration, I put together this pretty teal caddy just for her. Just so happens she’s a pretty tidy kind of gal and sure to appreciate this particular kind of back-to-school teacher gift. When you put together your cleaning caddy, include cleaning products that all teachers love to have on hand and then tailor it to suit your child’s teacher. Since my caddy was presented by my children to their grandma, we inserted a few pieces of handmade kiddy art, perfect for her to frame and display on her desk. I also wrapped the cleaning caddy in colorful rainbow ribbon to brighten up the classroom.
Because she follows the “cleanliness in next to godliness” mantra our favorite teacher was tickled to find both a mini to-go pack of Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes as well as a large canister for her classroom. Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes remove germs, bacteria, and even the cold and flu virus in your home and child’s classroom. Reducing doctor visits and showing your child’s teacher you care- what’s not to love? Homemade gifts for teachers are great, but sometimes you just need a quick fix!
What to include:
- Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes (one large canister and one handy to-go pack)
- Stain remover pen
- Baby wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Microfiber dust wand
- Clorox® Bleach pen
- Cleaning rag
- Magic eraser
- Homemade cookies- I included these GF chocolate peanut butter cookies.
Depending on your favorite teacher’s preferences, You might also include:
- Tissues
- Candles
- Air plant or small potted plant
- Clorox® Clean Up Spray
- White board cleaner
The much-anticipated first day of school frenzy is just around the corner. While this time can be hectic, our Clorox®, GLAD® and Hidden Valley® products help parents and teachers simplify back to school by making clean homes and classrooms, storage solutions and meal and snack time easier. This year, Clorox is making back to school even easier for schools in need with a $100,000 donation to DonorsChoose.org, a charity website that helps teachers get the funds they need for various classroom projects and supplies. You can also help when you shop. For every $5 you spend on Clorox, Hidden Valley and Glad Products, you’ll receive $1 (up to $5) that you can either redeem as a donation through DonorsChoose.org or as money off on future purchases. *
- Buy it. Buy any Clorox®, Glad® or Hidden Valley Ranch® product.
- Snap it. Snap a pic of your receipt.
- Upload. Upload your receipt to earn a donation or cash back.
To learn more, please visit www.cloroxforschools.com If you’ve been racking your brain for teacher appreciation ideas, this cleaning caddy fits the bill. Just add all the items into your cleaning caddy and personalize it to suit. I wrapped mine in rainbow ribbon and popped a couple of the items into pretty bags. You might want to add a hand-written note of encouragement or a letter from your child to her teacher. Happy back to school!
Between 7/12/16 and 9/30/16, purchase any qualifying Clorox, Glad or Hidden Valley product(s). Then, choose to participate in the Offer or the Donation program. If you choose to participate in the Offer, your Offer will be fulfilled 10/31/16. If you choose to participate in the Donation, Clorox will donate $1 for every $5 spent to DonorsChoose.org (up to $100,000 in donations). For all details, including a list of qualifying products, see the Program Terms www.cloroxforshcools.com. For details about DonorsChoose.org, visit DonorsChoose.org.
I always appreciated practical gifts like these when I was a teacher. We love when parents help out with classroom supplies because very little money is given to restock the classrooms. These little extras help more than you think! Thank you! Great post!
Thanks, Rachael! I know exactly what you mean. Many times teachers wind up shelling out tons of their own funds to keep the classroom running smoothly, it’s sad that it has to be that way. Hoping many parents get on board to help keep their child’s classroom tidy and germ-free this year.
This is so sweet! I love practical gifts!
I know so many teachers that love practical gifts such as these! They help and keeps the teacher from having to spend their own money on them, since they do so much of that anyway!
Now this is a gift that I know our teachers will love! They get so many mugs and candy as gifts at the end of the year, but I know they would much prefer to receive something so practical and thoughtful at the beginning of the year! Brilliant idea!
Thanks so much, Megan. You’re right, mugs and food treats are definitely something teachers get a lot of. Now, I’m sure they love it too, and moms like me enjoy baking up cookies to send to school for my daughter’s teacher, but this gift did seem like something that both male and female teachers would enjoy, and it won’t break any diets they may be on, haha.
What a cute idea! Gotta say, the cookies would definitely be my favorite part. *smile*
The cleaning caddy makes so much sense and it is really smart. I do not know any teacher that would not love that. It is a brilliant quick fix teacher gift and it is so generic that any teacher would LOVE it. Great idea, going to keep this in my bookmarked reads.
This is such an adorable idea! I am a former teacher, and I can tell you that I would be totally stoked for an extra bottle of antibacterial wipes. The smaller the children get, the more gross it is and the bigger the mess!
Your comment made me giggle, Jaime. As a mom of small ones, I can attest it’s true that small kids can be pretty gross and make monumental messes 😉
This is a great gift idea for teachers anytime of the year. With a room full of kids who are spreading their germs with them, this is a must. On top of the cookies, I would probably include a gift card for coffee .
Yep, coffee gift cards are always appreciated too! Great idea, Gwen!
This teacher gift is such a great idea! I love giving little gifts to my kids’ teachers — they do so much and are definitely under appreciated. I struggle, though, because I want it to be something that they will use. These are must-have items for every classroom!
What a fun, creative, and practial gift to give a teacher! I know that I’ve read articles about the stuff teachers DON’T want… the junky frivilous knick-knack kind of thing. I bet your kids teachers loved getting this basket full or useable goodness!
I am a teacher and I would LOVE this for my classroom. Its such a cute idea and a very useful gift. Great idea! Plus we can always use disinfectant in the classroom.
This would be an awesome BTS gift for a new kindergartner to give their new teacher! My high school son might feel a little awkward putting this together lol but I’m definitely doing this next year for my daughter!! Way to tell teacher “we don’t want you to die” lol
I love this idea! I was siting here thinking of what kind of school supplies I should include in his teacher’s gift caddy, but this is so much better! Often times we forget they may need the extra cleaning supplies around the classroom. Thanks for the wonderful idea!
All these ideas are super creative and by far the most useful gift ideas video I have ever seen.
I can’t wait to make this for the beginning of the school year. I always try to think of practical gifts that a teacher will actually be able to use and this definitely falls into that category.
So glad you like it, Stephanie! Our teacher (my mother-in-law) gave it two thumbs up.