Little kids and ice cream cones are just about the messiest, most comical combination ever. Goodness, it sure is fun to watch children’s faces get smeared in ice cream as their smiles radiate pure joy. Cleaning up, now that’s another story.
For your sheer entertainment, I’ve got an ice cream packed giggleworthy video clip for you today.
Summer Elizabeth earned her first cone last week. We told her that if she could manage to keep her diaper dry all night long she’d be treated to her very first ice cream cone the following day. We were rooting for her, knowing she could do it since she’d been daytime potty trained at 18 months. Always up for a good challenge, much like her papi, she took us on and the next afternoon we took her out for ice cream!
Husband captured it all on video…and you’d never guess how she repaid Daddy for her beloved ice cream cone.
For those of you feeling sorry for Husband, he had his own cone.
Yes, I’m a nerd. I added subtitles for you. Since we’re a multicultural family, I speak English with our kids and Husband speaks his native Spanish. My littles are growing up learning both languages from infancy, which we’re hoping will set them up to be a step ahead in language acquisition as they get older. I majored in Modern Languages, so you know they’ll be making this mama proud!
Tell me: What was your child’s first experience with ice cream like? Did you do it at home or out and about? Please share your stories below in the comments and let’s get to know one another a little better.
How cute is this?! And I love that you’re speaking both languages in the home; I think that’s one of the biggest things I wish I could teach our kids that we currently can’t!
Heather, it’s so much for to record these real-life moments. I just hope we can manage to save them for the future to show our kiddos when they’re bigger. Glad you enjoyed it. I know both Summer and Daddy both loved their cones!
This is such a sweet post Jelli!! My daughter and husband had a daddy daughter dance in Feb. and it was so precious!! Those are the events where memories are made.
You’re right, those are definitely the most special moments for parents when they get quality one-on-one time with a child. I’m sure that the bigger the family the more precious those times really become. Thank you for stopping by to enjoy an ice cream cone with us today. Have a beautiful weekend, Renee!
Oh my goodness! She is so sweet! I don’t blame her for not wanting to share that ice cream… after all, she worked hard for it right?!
Thanks so much for sharing… such a treat, literally!
Glad you enjoyed the clip, Jennifer. I always debate about putting family videos up because I sometimes think that I’m the only one who really enjoys them, but I’m happy you got a kick out of it too. Thank you for visiting.