I love free books and am excited to show you the easiest way to get free books for your family right now!
I’ve been using Bookmooch for years now, and it’s a wonderful way to get just about and kind of book for free- even children’s lit! It’s also available globally. Score!! This is not a paid campaign, I just plain love this site.
Logo courtesy of Bookmooch.com
Bookmooch is a website that connects people who have books to people who want books. Most users fit both those descriptions. When you register (it’s free!) you make two lists:
- Books you have and want to get rid of
- Books you want to receive (Wishlist)
As you type in your wishlist you can see whether or not someone has the book available and the book’s current condition. If it’s up for grabs, you just send a message to the book’s owner through Bookmooch, and most likely they’ll ship it your way. If a book is not available it will remain in your wishlist and you will receive an email when it becomes available. Then you just log in and click a button to request the book. It’s SO easy!
Bookmooch works on a points system, so you should register at least a couple of books you’re willing to part with to list #1 before you request any from your wishlist. Boy, I love decluttering this way! Upon signup you have the chance to receive a book if you list ten to give away and continue to rack up points when you post books and ship books out.
The system is simple and you never have to divulge your address to anyone besides the person from whom you’ll be receiving a book. You can also opt only to ship to certain locations, though admittedly, I get super bummed when I can’t get a book because the person won’t ship out of their home country.
If you want to bulk up your bookshelves and you give your old books a new home, give Bookmooch a try!
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Tell me: Do you have any trusty sources for getting quality freebies online? If so, leave a link in the comments so we can all check it out
Where has this been all my life?! We have quite a few avid readers in our house and more than enough books – this is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
That was exactly my reaction when I first stumbled upon the site, Mary Frances. I tell ya, it’s worth it’s weight in well…books! We love it and recommend it to everyone. I’ve gotten cookbooks, teacher books, marriage books, and all sorts of goodness from Bookmooch. Definitely check it out!
Thanks for sharing! This is great! I just opened a profile and started listing my books! I had one collecting dust on my shelf for 12 years, never read it, when it entered the book description, I thought to myself, this book sounds great! So I started reading it, Hopefully I’ll finish it before someone requests it! Haha
How funny is that? I’ve come across random books on our bookshelf, probably Husband’s picks. It’s funny the things you can find in your own home 😉 Hope you find tons of new-to-you books headed your way soon, Katie!
I’ve never heard of this before! I have got to check it out!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Uh oh, I bet my husband is going to wish I had never stumbled upon your blog. . . thanks for sharing this. I love getting new (old) books!
Haha, Leilani, if you score him a few reads on his wishlist, maybe he won’t mind the new hobby quite so much?! Hope you take the time to add and request your favorite titles soon. It’s a great service and well worth the few minutes it takes to get started. Thank you so much for visiting this week!
This sounds awesome! I am definitely going to check this out! 🙂 Thanks for letting us all know about this site!
If you love reading, you should definitely take a few minutes to sign up, Jocelyn! Bookmooch is one of those little hidden gems online that for some reason nobody knows about. It’s a fantastic resource and I’m so happy with all the transactions I’ve had with it. I’ve ordered birthing books, cookbooks, marriage books, school books… It’s great!
I’d completely forgotten about Book Mooch! Back in the days before I had kids I used to use this site all the time and picked up so many wonderful books.
I’d love it if you would stop by and join my party this week – http://www.supermommyclub.com/super-mommy-club-week-2/
Totally pinned and have to look into for all the books we have and see what we can do. Thanks for sharing at the Pin It Hop and totally pinned 🙂
Janine, you’re gonna love it, especially if you’ve got lots of books to give away. You’ll be racking in the points and getting books shipped your way in no time!
Such a great idea! I will have to try this. Thanks!
I love BookMooch!
Yay!I’m so encouraged by people like you who know of their services and have had positive experiences. I feel like it’s one of those gems of websites that most people don’t know about or use. I actually just scored another toddler busy book from there this week! Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!
I have NEVER heard of this site, but how brilliant! This would work beautifully for children’s books. My oldest is starting to get into chapter books already.
Awesome! It really is one of those sites that you wish everyone knew about, but seems not to be very well known yet. Hope you find some great reads, Gabby!