About Jelli
Jelli is a blogging veteran and avid baker who’s been selling sweets to feed her chocolate addiction for 8+ years. When the polka dotted apron’s hanging up, she’s a full-time mama to three kidlets enjoying the crazy days of motherhood and pumping out brownie recipes from her sunny Costa Rican kitchen.
It says free printables but I can’t get to a point i can print
Kathy, I think I’ve got it figured out. What you need to do is to click below the photo on the link from it’s source rather than on the photo. To make it easier for you, just click here and it should take you to the original post with a link to print the Easter hymn.
Hello Jelli,
Thank you for creating this wonderful egg shaped prose “He lives” I have used it to send an Easter message to some young mums who come to our church for a playgroup and music morning for under 5yr olds.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful message
Thank you, Carol. I didn’t in fact create this design, only sharing it here. Glad you were able to use it.