How’s your appetite?
A hearty appetite is a great indicator of good health.
*Speaking of appetite, I’m guest posting a recipe for Coffee Nutella Swirl Ice Cream with Little Becky Homecky today!
The healthier we are, the better and more consistent our appetite. The same goes for our spiritual health. Someone who isn’t feeding themselves a daily dose of Dios is probably not going to be feeling as energized, peaceful and full of joy as the person who’s taking time out of every day to spend with Jesus.
As Christians, we can’t just dress up on Sunday mornings and plaster on the “everything is peachy” smile as we head toward the pews and expect we’ve done enough to keep the title. No ma’am. Though there’s abundant spiritual growth and learning that can be had at a Bible-preaching church, there’s no teaching that comes close to personal relationship building that comes from spending time every day in the Word. Now, don’t click away here because you don’t like to read/snooze through Bible reading/just plain don’t have time for it. You are NOT alone.
There are days that I can find any excuse to put Jesus time to the side. (Painting toenails, anyone?) There are weeks where life seems so utterly jam-packed that my Bible gets buried under a pile of baby toys and to-do lists despite my own advice. This is true. This is me. Raw and somewhat embarrassed, but beloved nonetheless of God. You realize I work for THEE Big Boss, right? I confess, we’re not perfect. (As if you didn’t already know, I’m sure.) I mean, if the Bible teacher still doesn’t have it all together, what’s it all about?
It’s all about Him. Not us. Not even a little. Nope, what God wants from each and every one of us is our adoration. our worship. our hearts. He wants to reveal himself to us through his Word, his Spirit, his unending love for us that he demonstrated through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Jesus tells us that he is the bread of life. Let’s get hungry for that bread. I’m imagining it’s the delish rhubarb streusel bread from the farmer’s market. The more you “eat” the more you’ll crave, the better you’ll feel and the closer you’ll be to the God of all creation. Spend time with the one who loves you no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done. He wants that. You need that.
Get healthy.
Woohoo!! I loved reading this!! I am always in need of reminding of how important my time with my creator is! Thanks girl!
I thank you for sharing this! It was seriously what I NEEDED to hear today. Loooong story short- I’ve been getting back into church and redeveloping my relationship with God. I was feeling stressed, anxious and just generally all over the place this afternoon. I was driving home and I suddenly started thinking about the scriptures I read this morning. I immediately started praying and felt better simultaneously.
And thank you for sharing that we can spend time with the one who loves us no matter what we have done. It’s something I’m studying and ‘re-learning’ lately and I can’t hear it enough!
Thanks for sharing what we need to hear. I’m so encouraged by your post 🙂
Thank you for the encouragement!
Wow, that post was amazing. I love it. Thanks for sharing.
I love this, here is my absolute favorite line: “Raw and somewhat embarrassed, but beloved nonetheless of God.”
That so resonates with how I am doing today. So glad you linked up with us!
So excited to see ya link up! I’m pinning your pic and following too! “The more you “eat” the more you’ll crave, the better you’ll feel and the closer you’ll be to the God of all creation.” Amen! That’s truth right there. Hugs!
Such an encouraging post! Thank you for sharing.
Isn’t it so hard to let down our “everythings peachy” guard and share our vulnerabilities with others…?? Such a challenge for me daily. How do I go about the day with a positive attitude and optimism, and still be honest with myself and my condition.
Thank you so much for this awesome post! I sure do like thinking of the Word as rhubarb streusel bread : ) But I totally agree! I’ve heard it said that we align our perspectives to God’s when we read and pray – and I know I need that in my life, to see things God’s way and not my own.
Ironically, I’m trying to get physically healthy, and for me, diet (food) and God are so linked. Becoming whole in all areas is a philosophy I love. Only God can seem to help me stay on track w/ eating right. I have high bp and cholesterol issues, despite being otherwise healthy. It’s frustrating, but I know I have to rely on God for guidance. I’m new to Into the Word and am looking forward to connecting weekly w/ Christian women! (I’m number 22 on the link list this week.)
Hey, just nominated you for an award! Hop over to my blog to grab it!
Thank you so much for linking up and for this awesome post! Why do we KNOW how we feel when we are in the Word regularly but then somehow “life takes over” and we get out of practice and then it’s a vicious cycle? This is SUCH great encouragement!!! You are AWESOME!
There is plenty of healthy water, milk bread and meat in God’s word. Even if it makes us fat spiritually that is Okay!