I mailed books.
Last week, I joined a couple of book swapping websites. This is a very good thing. You see, we are moving soon, and I hate, hate, hate packing. The fewer boxes, the better. Therefore, I joined Swaptree and Book Mooch (international!!), where you list the books you´re willing to part with and then make a wish list. The sites match up potential trades and notify you when an item on your list becomes available to you. Addresses are exchanged, books mailed, hours of leisurely reading ahead. Genius! I love it! (Swaptree even trades CDs, DVDs, and games.)
The unfortunate thing is, that this year Costa Rica´s postal service severly hiked shipping rates. We´re talking near doubling shipping prices. Craziness! The result of this is why I made cookies. You see, yesterday I walked to the post office, where the kind gentleman weighed each package of books I was sending, 3 in all. As each postage sticker emerged from the machine, he looked at me quizzically to see if I really wanted to send these incredibly heavy items. Was I sure? Yes, I assured him, as I paid $71.50 to ship 4 books- only 4!!! Are you seeing now why Husband may not be pleased with me?
Cookies are a great way to avoid conflict. Husband comes home, weak and hungry from a long day. I shove a cookie in his mouth. He smiles. While he´s still thinking I´m the most thoughtful wife ever, swallowing sweet, tasty cookie, I tell him of my postal adventure. He doesn´t go postal. He doesn´t smile, but he doesn´t get mad. Why? Cookies. I tell you, they are THE way to go.
These sugar cookies are flavored with almond extract, which is a plus in my book. The recipe makes a thin cookie, which is usually not my type, but they are soft and yummy, especially with the sweet sugary glaze on top. Perfect with coffee and perfect right after breakfast or for breakfast–anytime cookies! Get out of trouble cookies. Enjoy!
Almond Glazed Sugar Cookies
From Your Homebased Mom
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
Mix butter, sugar and extract in a large bowl. Beat until cream, 1 to 2 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Beat 1 to 2 more minutes. Roll dough into 1 inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on greased or parchment-lined cookie sheet and flatten balls to 1/4 inch thickness with the bottom of a buttered glass dipped in sugar. Bake at 400 for 7-9 minutes or until edges are very lightly browned. Cool 1 minute. Move to a wire rack. Stir together glaze ingredients with a wire whisk. Decorate cooled cookies with glaze and sliced almonds (optional)
Glaze: 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp. almond extract, 4-5 tsp. milk and coloring, if desired.
This glaze hardens!
Wow! $70 is a lot of money to ship books. I am a member of PaperBackSwap myself. I love swapping books.
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hmm, I think you better have more cookies tonight cause you will need more! thats a big amount of money and you only gave me one cookie!
So I think you need to calm me with 5 more cookies! =)
BTW: great cookies I must say!
Holy shipping rates, batman!! $71.50??? I’m sorry to call you crazy, but YOU’RE CRAZY!! Lol ;P I love your cookies though… <333