Folding clothes will never be the same again once you learn how to fold a shirt in under two seconds!
On the weekends I usually post an easy pleasy recipe for you, but today’s laundry tip was so incredible that I absolutely had to bump it to the top of the list! If you’re like me, mama never taught you how to fold a shirt fast. This video will blow your mind! I ran to the bedroom to test it out seconds after watching this video and even my toddler wanted in on the action. It even works on baby onesies!
Now, if I could only learn how to wash clothes and keep my whites white! If you’ve got outta this world laundry tips, please share them below in the comments! This girl could definitely use ’em, especially since we’re now in muddy rainy season here in Costa Rica!
No way. That is awesome! This is getting played to every family member in sight 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing! Hope you are having a great weekend!
You’re as enthusiastic about this as I was, Mary Frances. You know what though, I showed it to my husband and he said he thought he’d seen it before. WHAT!?! And he never showed me? Thanks so much for stopping by this weekend.
What?! I had to try it a few times but it totally works! Sweet!
My best laundry tip… minimize your wardrobe. A couple months ago I purged the closets and left everyone with a week’s worth of clothing. Even though I’m doing a load of laundry every couple of days, it’s not the mountains that I used to have to do!
Thanks for sharing this video!
Same here. I tried it watching the video and it went much better than when I first tried to do it from memory. Isn’t that just plain awesome? I feel like I need to show every person I know, haha. I’m with you on minimal wardrobes too! My husband’s and mine are pretty small, but our kids clothing seems to never end. It’s like every time I make up a donation bag, the drawers somehow refill. I blame doting grandparents 🙂
Ummmm…huh? Somehow I have the feeling I could mess this up but I sure am going to have to try it! (mediocre and reluctant housekeeper being part of my blogging profile and all).
I know, the first time you watch the video it might seem a little intimidating. I think I watched 3x before I took out a shirt to try it. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a great time-saver though, Jill. I’ve been using the method ever since I learned it this past weekend. Hope you take a few seconds to learn. You’ll really love it!
Thanks for the shirt folding ninja video, lol! And thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us this week! Going to practice this now! (Seriously! )
Did you get it, Kristi? Isn’t it fantastic? I loved this tip and have actually demonstrated it to everyone in my family 😉 Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a fab weekend.
Where has this been all of my life? To think of the time it could have saved…sigh. Alas, now I can fold shirts like a pro! Thanks!
My thoughts exactly! Oh how I wish my mom had shown me this YEARS ago. Thanks so much for stopping by, Lizzi.