Packing a diaper bag is a breeze when you have a little guidance on what you’ll really need in your {CLOTH} diaper bag.
As a brand-new parent it’s overwhelming to consider all the items you could pack “just in case.” If your aim is to have every possible situation covered, not only will you have to use some monstrous specimen of a diaper bag, you’ll also have to down a few energy drinks to keep up the stamina to tote that bag along. My advice is to leave the “maybe” extras at home for day-to-day outings.
For daily strolling about the neighborhood, quick errands, and general outings, here’s what you’ll find in my small diaper bag or purse at any given time. With 7 months of experience, this is what works for me.
{Cloth} Diaper Bag Essentials
- 2 diapers (prefolds or 2 pockets) * We change the baby just before heading out the door.
- 1 diaper cover & Snappi, if using prefolds
- 3 cloth wipes (dry.We wet wipes with water when we change diapers,)
- 1 small wetbag
- 1 changing mat or large prefold to double as a changing mat or emergency diaper
- 1 small toy that won’t be dearly missed if tossed from the stroller and lost
- change of clothes (footed pjs are best, so you’re dealing with fewer pieces)
- hat (for warmth or sun, according to the season)
- small, thin blanket for nursing coverage, warmth, or covering a stroller
Extras to Consider:
- Tide to-go pen for stains and smudges
- burp rag
- water bottle for mom
- prepped bottles
- baby food
- spoon
- bib
- paper towel/extra baby washcloth
- plastic grocery bag
- thin jacket or sweater
- mama cloth
- pen & notepad
What is your “must-have” diaper bag essential?
We are using cloth diapers and I love them. We normally pack one for outings and that seems to cover it. Carrying doted pajamas as the spare outfit is a great idea. I’ll have to keep that in mind.
Visiting via Serenity Now
Bumpkins All-in-ones are my favorite for the diaper bag. Preassembled, they’re way less fuss on an outing, along with a quick disposable liner. I also carry TWO extra outfits for the baby, sunscreen for my preschooler, and an extra shirt for me in case my outfit begins to harbor too much spit-up 🙂
Great ideas and helpful hints! I will have to share this with my cloth diapering mom friends! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this great post on Saturday Show & Tell @ Cheerios and Lattes last week! 🙂 Hope to see you again this weekend! 🙂
Thanks for the ideas! We are expecting our first little one in two months and are CDing. It is nice to see a cloth diaper bag list… thank you!
You betcha! Once you have your little one I hope you come back and chime in on what was most helpful to have in your bag!
a sling. Even if I didn’t plan on using it I always did/do. It can double as a change pad, cover, blanket, obviously a carrier. And it’s small enough to just fold up into one of the pockets of my bag or in my purse.
You’re so right, Stephanie! I’ve used my sling (didn’t have it at the time I wrote this post) for many reasons, including a breast feeding cover. Love it!