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Kids and juice; it’s an age old debate. Children love the sweet flavors, but the natural sugars found in fruit juice aren’t the best for their health. Fruit juice is great from time to time, but not as a 24/7 beverage.
My daughter’s main liquids come in the form of mommy milk, but I like to be sure she’s always got H2O around to stay hydrated. Last week I filled Summer Elizabeth’s bottle with a bit of coconut water and she loved it! Coconut water is a great alternative to feeding children fruit juice.Coconut water is a common drink & an age-old remedy here in Costa Rica for dehydration and health. Coconut water is the liquid (mostly water) inside a young coconut. It is rich in potassium and electrolytes and has been vastly studied recently for many other health benefits. I’m not a scientist, so I’ll leave the detailed research findings for you to investigate, but here’s a quick glimpse article from Mayo Clinic.
Here’s why coconut water makes a great alternative to fruit juice for children:
>> It doesn’t stain. Coconut water is colorless.
>> Coconut water is low in sugar and therefore better for my baby’s oral health than fruit juice. She won’t be bouncing off the walls either, which is a pretty big bonus in my book.
>> It is high in electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
>> Coconut water is natural. Here in Costa Rica the immature coconuts (called pipas) are sold at the market, the tops sliced off, and a straw inserted…or picked up a liter at the grocery store. Either way, it isn’t processed & packed with unpronounceable ingredients.
>> It is inexpensive.
>> Coconut water is easy to serve. It tastes great alone, and also mixes well into smoothies.
>> It frees up fridge space. Coconut water is a family-friendly drink, which means I don’t have to buy separate adult and baby beverages. We all drink & enjoy coconut water.
The coconut water is SUCH a good idea I’ve never thought of that! My mum is a dental therapist and is always seeing the bad side effects juice has on children’s teeth, so this is a brilliant alternative. Thanks for sharing
Your daughter is so adorable! Your family is beautiful. I’m stopping by from Monday Mingle & I’m a new follower.
You’ve inspired me to give coconut water a try! Great idea!
Just linking up again. I have been wanting to try coconut water and just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I think I will pick some up this afternoon when I go to the grocery store.
I would have never thought to give coconut water to toddlers–great tip! I’ll remember that one!
Love this idea!! Its been 13 years since my last baby and we have a 1 yr old now so its always freat to learn new ideas!!
I never would have thought of this! Thanks for the tip! My son just started drinking some cow’s milk, but this is a nice alternative.
BTW, she is just adorable!
This is such a wonderful idea!! What brand of coconut water do you use?
I use anything. Since we’re in Costa Rica I can buy a fresh coconut from the farmer’s market or a chilled pipa off a street vendor. I honestly don’t even know what brands are sold here.