As I mentioned in yesterday’s “What a Mom Wants” post, nursing pads are a quintessential item that nearly every new mom needs. Those blessed enough not to know a tee-shirt leak spot, please disregard this post entirely. Washable, reusable nursing pads are great, as they are eco-friendly, usually made of soft natural fibers, and easy to launder and reuse time and time again. I feel the same way about nursing pads as I do about diapers: cloth is best.
Lucky for you, Chantel of My Sunshine Designs (don’t you just love that shop name?) is giving away a pair of her cotton-flannel-fleece nursing pads to one reader. Chantel is a stay-at-home-mom and enjoys making all the eco-friendly merchandise in her colorful etsy shop. I admire her sewing skills! She is a self-diagnosed “fabric addict” which means she has a huge assortment of cute prints for you to choose from. I love the lime, orchid, and wallflower designs. So pretty! Check out her other wares too, including sprinkle stoppers, essentially a fabric party hat to cover your little boy at diaper changes to prevent a tinkle attack.
**To win, check out My Sunshine Designs on etsy and let me know which print you’d choose if you win the set of nursing pads. For a second entry, visit My Sunshine Designs facebook page, “like” them, and tell them that you’ve popped over from JellibeanJournals. Leave me a comment letting me know you did!
Giveaway open to US & Canada. Winner chosen at random on Wednesday, February 1st. Good luck and thanks so much Chantel!
I love the apple green design!
love the pink camo ones!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I love the Market Apple nursing pads!
I liked My Sunshine Designs on FB and posted that you sent me!
I like design #7 with the white background and flowers! So cute and feminine!
arestfulplace @ Gmail . com
I liked them on FB and posted that you sent me! 🙂 Thanks so much!
arestfulplace @ gmail . com
Come to my blog for 2 great giveaways!
I would probably choose the Black Licorice pads – I really like the design.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
I “like” My Sunshine Designs on FB, and left a message that you sent me on their wall
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
If I won I would choose “Salt and Pepper”
klsiegler at gmail dot com
I like My Sunshine Designs on FB and posted on their wall
klsiegler at gmail dot com
love the Orchid, Stone, Wall flower, and Vintage prints! can’t pick just one
taraz9 at excite dot com
I like fabric #1, looks like a blue and black/brown damask
tannis_z at excite dot com
like sunshine designs on fb and commented on their wall
tannis_z at excite dot com
liked Sunshine Designs and commented (tara e)
taraz9 at excite dot com
love the PUNK ones, any of them!!!
Aubree faunce
like on FB