This week I attended a desserts course at the largest margarine company around. The class was entitled “Especialidades para el Dia de la Madre” and focused on sweets for Mother’s Day, celebrated here in late August. The course was intended for pros who buy loads of products from the company, but the friend who invited me has connections *smile.
We were divided in groups and focused on 2 specific tasks each day. My group was assigned to making tart shells and a chilled strawberry bavarian dessert. The latter I enjoyed making much more than the boring tarts, but since I didn’t take any photos of it, I’ll post the tarts recipe today.
P.S. I don’t feel like translating today.
P.P.S. I’ve listed the baker’s % because it’s easy to replicate in larger or smaller quantities this way.
P.P.P.S. My computer doesn’t like Spanish mode, so stubbornly refuses to grant my special characters life.
The little chocolate-free tart in the center is my decorating creation
Tartaletas de frutas
Makes 2-3 large tarts or 10-4″
Harina 100% 1000g
Margarina 60% 600g
Azucar molida 40% 400g
Huevos 15% 150g
Leche en polvo 4% 40g
Sal 0.5% 5g
Vainilla 0.5% 5g
Crema Pastelera 1000g
Fresas 2 cajas
Uvas 300g
Melocotones 1 lata grande
Brillo frio 400g
Cobertura de chocolate 300g
Pesar todos los ingredients. Colocar todos los ingredientes para la masa del fondo en el tazon del batidor. Mezclar con la paleta en primera, hasta lograr una pasta homogenea. Laminar a un grosor de 4 mm. Engrasar los moldes de tartaletas y hornear a 180C durante 15 minutos. Dejar enfriar.
Crema Pastelera
Leche liquida 100% 1000g, dividida
Azucar 20% 200g
Yemas de huevo 10% 100g
Maicena 10% 100g
Margarina 5% 50g
Esencia de vainilla 0.5% 5g
Pesar todos los ingredientes. Hervir 700g leche, azucar y margarina. Disolver 300g de leche con la maincena y las yemas de huevo. Cuando la leche hierva agregar la maicena y batir bien hasta obrener una crema fina sin grumos. Retirar del fugo, dejar enfriar y utilizar como relleno.
Rellenar las tartaletas con crema pastelera y decorar a gusto con frutas cubiertas con brillo.
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