Smooth, sultry dark chocolate-topped raw dark chocolate brownies were never meant to be shared- with you or especially not with my husband. Hoard them away, tucked deeply into the back nook of the refrigerator buried behind outdated leftovers no one would dare slide. That’s what I did, and even that didn’t work.Ladies, please tell me I’m not alone here. You do have a secret chocolate stash squirreled away just for you, right? When my day needs a little perking up, taking 5 to slide out of view, nibble on some chocolate and take a deep breath does the trick. And if it doesn’t, this usually does, especially when paired with a deep, dark, raw brownies recipe.
If you’ve got a few health food staples on hand, you’re well on your way to snacking on quick raw dark chocolate brownie bliss. Whiz the brownie ingredients in a food processor, stir together the unforgettably rich, perfectly chocolate ganache topping, and pop these raw dark chocolate brownie beauties into the fridge. Easy peasy, waistline pleasy.
Don’t skip the raw dark chocolate ganache. I’m pretty sure that even meatloaf could taste good if it were smothered in this raw chocolate ganache recipe. So SO good!Sure, these brownies pack a mega chocolate punch, but you won’t feel guilty about indulging. I can hardly believe I’m writing this, but one raw chocolate brownie, two tops, is enough to satisfy my most brutally GOTTA HAVE IT chocolate craving. That says a lot, since I could normally finish off half a pan of five-star brownies in one sitting…
And my husband. Seriously, this man asked me for more of these raw dark chocolate brownies. Didn’t he understand that I made them for me? Just me! Husband is not a healthy eater by nature and stalks down Little Debbie treats within the second day of landing in US soil. And he still begs for
my these raw chocolate brownies.
- Raw dark chocolate brownie base
- 2 cups pitted dates
- 1½ cups walnuts, almonds, or a combination of both
- ½ cup cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
- pinch of salt
- ¼ cup mix-ins (optional) Try chia seeds, flax, cacao nibs, coconut, freshly ground coffee beans...
- Raw chocolate ganache
- ½ cup cacao powder or cocoa powder
- 2-4 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, depending on how sweet you'd like it
- pinch salt
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- Combine nuts and cacao powder in a food processor. If yours is large enough, add in the rest of the brownie ingredients. If not, work in batches and pour all processed ingredients into a large bowl and squeeze it together using your hands until if forms a lump. Press brownie base into a 9x13" pan for thin brownies or a 9x9" for thicker brownies. Refrigerate.
- Heat a small saucepan over low heat and stir together all raw chocolate ganache ingredients until smooth. Pour over brownies and cover. Refrigerate one hour before serving. Keep refrigerated.
If that doesn’t say something, folks, then let’s just let the photos and the recipe speak for itself. Pardon me, as I wipe the raw chocolate ganache smear from my upper lip. Yum.

What’s your chocolate addiction? Please share below in the comments and be sure to follow me on Pinterest for more droolworthy dessert recipes.
These look so good! And I love that they are better for you than traditional brownies, but still satisfy that chocolate craving! I’ll have to try these out!
They are really yummy! I just finished off my second batch yesterday. They keep really well in the fridge or freezer. In the end, I liked the texture better when I kept them refrigerated.