This month marks the beginning of Iron Cupcake: Earth 2.0. I’m happy to say that this year I should be able to submit monthly, as I unfortunately joined the group in the last month of year one’s competition. Here are the lovely prizes we’re competing for this month: We love our prize providers! The Demy™…
Cozy Carrot Cake Cupcakes
Vegan baking has been made loads easier since the publishing of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. I myself am not a vegan, but the goodies that have come from my oven with the “vegan seal of approval” have been mighty tasty. Why vegan? On Tuesday I was asked to bake a cake for the…
Candy Cupcakes
The phone rang twice with good news today. First, a friend let me know that she and I were approved to attend a free pastry creations class that is normally restricted to food professionals or restaurant staff. I’m really excited, because the course will not feature a single technique, but will cover many areas of…
On Sale Now
This past weekend Husband and I decided to do sample boxes of sweet treats to sell to local businesses. This took way more effort than I’d intended, especially considering that we even made the bakery boxes ourselves from posterboard (only because after exhausting a few box resources we found nothing suitable). Here’s a sample just…