My husband is board game crazy. His current crush: Dominion. Every now and then I indulge him in a quick competitive game or two, usually choosing something that lasts less than my 45 minute bored board game attention span.
If you’re feeling particularly creative the next time date night rolls around, try this fun little twist on the well-loved Scrabble game I’m sure you’ve got stashed away somewhere.
Date Night Scrabble: Join the fun!
Who: Mr. & Mrs. YOU!
What: Romantically merry board game night featuring YOU & your man’s love connection.
Wear: Just between us, he’ll grin real wide if you go polish up and put on some pretty lady wares right about now.
You heard me.
Go on!
Dust off that little black dress and smear on some ruby lipstick.
Stilettos? Now we’re talking!
When: Tonight, of course! Bonus points for kids tucked snugly into bed.
Why: Why not? Have a blast remembering your past and creating new memories together.
Up*DATE*d Rules:
- As you begin the game, the person with the best memory of the first time you met goes first.
- He or she must place a word on the board that has some significance to your relationship.
ONLY words pertinent to the formation of your loooove count.
Be creative. If you’re clever, you can morph just about any word into something to do with Y.O.U.
Have fun! Giggle a little. It’s really a lot of fun! Now, go play! . . . you do have those kids tucked in now, don’t you?
My husband is very much into board games too. We have almost 100 right now and his current obsession is Dominion too!
If your husband has an Apple device there is a free Dominion App 🙂
This sound very fun, although hard to come up with relevant words. I find regular scrabble hard, this will be even harder 😉
Haha, maybe it will help you dive deeper into those great memories and enjoy them all over again. 😉