No time for dessert? Is that really possible? This creamy easy chocolate mousse is dark chocolate bliss infused with tangy orange whizzed up in mere seconds. Bright flavors of summer served up fast!
I nearly engaged our overstuffed lounge chair in a full-frontal attack as I dived for the phone, ringing endlessly during….NAPTIME. (Cue horror movie music here.) Trying to put on my kind “telephone” voice, I smiled and said “hello.” Sidenote: did you know that smiling while speaking actually makes you sound friendlier even over the telephone wires? It’s a trick I learned ages ago during my tele-surveying days.
It was Husband asking if we could invite a couple of guests over before their flight home the next day.
“Of course!” I agreed, and then proceeded to scroll through a mental list of last-minute dessert ideas.Chocolate mousse recipes vary a lot. No eggs? There’s a recipe for that (including this one!) Dairy-free chocolate mousse? Yep, totally doable. Vegan? Check. My favorite French chocolate mousse. So many chocolate mousse recipes to choose from. If you’re looking for the best chocolate mousse, definitely Google around and try a recipe each week. You might be surprised to find that your taste buds prefer the texture and flavor of a mousse you’d never known before!This easy chocolate mousse is an avocado chocolate mousse. Yes, I know these recipes have been circulating the internet for the past five years, but there’s a reason. They’re simple, quick, healthy, and delicious. And this one just so happens to include bright fresh juicy orange flavors for a blast of summer in your prettiest dessert bowl.
My kids attempted to photo bomb the creating of the post pics, with blatant plans to scarf down my mousse. Only my youngest managed to wrangle a couple nibbles before Husband (my rock star photographer) and I managed to shoo them out of the backyard. This weekend’s farmer’s market shopping list will definitely include a handful of gorgeous Hass avocados to make and remake this easy chocolate mousse recipe all throughout the week.
Since I am 32 weeks pregnant, I’ve been cutting out a lot of sugar, especially refined white sugar. Gestational diabetes, take that! In fact, I printed out this 365 calendar and set the bar too high aiming for a year without sugar. We’ll see how it goes. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying occasional desserts like this vegan chocolate orange mousse to curb cravings and satisfy my sweet tooth with healthier options.Did you know that besides containing heart healthy fats, avocados also contain over 20 vitamins and minerals? The mono-unsaturated fats in these plump green fruits help increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, K and E and are also a great first food for babies. In fact, local avocados were the first food I gave my youngest child.
Let’s make some easy chocolate orange mousse now! All you’ll need are a handful of ingredients and your food processor (this is the mini processor that I loooove! And it’s a steal too!).
- 1 Hass avocado
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, to taste
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- small pinch salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar-free orange marmalade (I use St. Dalfour)
- Slice open the avocado, discard the seed, and scoop the flesh into the food processor along with all the other ngredients. Whiz until smooth. Spoon into your favorite dessert dishes and eat right away, or chill for a few hours before digging in..

What are your favorite fast and easy dessert recipes? Please share in the comments below!
Need more healthy and decadent dessert options? Try these!
Yum! We’ll have to try it!
Im planning something small during covid/Thanksgiving for my parents 50th anniversary, How could I turn this into a pretty triffle?!? I’ll be brain storming❤ my parents have been meat, sugar, oil free for 2years or so and I know they would love this.