I can hardly believe how fast the weeks have flown by since I met my little man and he first knocked our socks off with his incredible talent. He celebrated eight months this weekend and I couldn’t be more pleased to have such a genuinely joyful and happy baby in my family.
Elijah is the kind of baby all mamas want. We playfully advise friends who don’t yet have kids that they should spend time with other fussier babies after they swoon over Elijah to get a better idea of what parenthood could potentially look like. He’s just that good.He’s literally the best baby I’ve ever known.
- Words: “mama” and “papa” used to let us know he’s hoping nap time is through
- Teeth: One just popped out the day he turned eight months.
- Likes: Wooden blocks, when sister blows raspberries on his tummy, music, being held upside down, splashing in the tub, being worn in the sling, grabbing at everything within reach, cuddles (insert shriek of mama excitement here!)
- Sleeps: 2 naps and from 6:30p.m. to 6ish a.m.
He doesn’t fuss, naps well, sleeps all night long, wears a huge grin when his big sister walks into the room, scarfs down almost every food he’s encountered, enjoys baths, has impeccable health, and is the one little boy I cannot resist cuddling.
He’s nothing short of a blessing. An incredible blessing. I call him my joy boy. If all babies were as patient, flexible, smiley, and good-humored as him, I’m pretty sure I’d have a school bus full of children and be competing with Michelle Duggar. Don’t get me wrong, Summer Elizabeth was has a sunshiny personality, but this baby has made the last eight months of motherhood a walk in the park- the most gloriously beautiful park you can imagine.
May God shine his light and love upon you, my dearest most beloved son. Te amo!
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Little Elijah sounds so fun! He sounds a lot like little J. He has made parenthood so easy and fun, and I’m sure our next baby will be a handful! And he popped his first tooth the day he turned 8-months-old, too!!
Chelsea, I’m so happy to hear that your little guy’s one of those mama pleasing happy babies too! You know, my daughter was a great baby too and I thought I’d be hard pressed to get another as well-natured as her. I guess God had other plans because Elijah even trumps her as far as being an agreeable baby goes. Hope the same’s true for you in the future too! Have a splendid night!
Oh my goodness, he is simply adorable.
I love all his pictures and those precious “moments” that you’ve captured. He definitely looks like he’s “earned” the title “JoyBoy” – what a sweet smiling face.
He sounds like a delightful little person. Happy 8 Months Elijah!
My LO, Wyatt, just turned 8 months on April 1st! We’re working on sleeping longer 😉 Just found your blog through stacy@stacymakescents and I’m super excited about it! You have a lot of great blogs!