One of the most important jobs I have as a parent is to instill Biblical values into my children, both Biblical head knowledge and heart knowledge. In the past month we’ve been working on memorizing Scripture and explaining how it applies to our lives using glittery popsicle sticks.
Kids love glitter. It makes such a beautiful, shimmering mess that I almost don’t mind when their chubby fingers spill the jar of colorful glittery Scripture memory sticks all over the kitchen table.ible through
How to make Scripture Memory Sticks
I found a handful of beginning verses for the kids and I to memorize and scribbled the references on some craft sticks. During naptime I smothered the tips of the popsicle sticks in school glue and glitter and let them dry. A friend had this handy low-mess glitter canister on hand, which made the job a whole lot less messy.
I cut a piece out of the metal jar lid to allow us to insert the craft sticks. Then I covered the entire lid in bright Duck washi crafting tape to protect us from getting cut and to make the lid pretty.
How we use Scripture Memory Sticks
Our jar of Scripture memory sticks stays on the kitchen table reminding us to pull them out and practice the week’s memory verse each time we sit down to eat.
As we’re finishing up our meals or snacks I open up my Bible to the verse of the week and read it over in it’s entirety. Then I read it again, breaking it up into small sections of just a few words and have my kids repeat after me. Lastly, we all try to say the verse and reference together in unison. Sometimes we put the Bible verse to a tune to help us memorize it more easily.
Other times we use gestures and actions to help us memorize the Bible better.Based on my experience memorizing verses with my kids, as adults we often underestimate kids’ uncanny ability to memorize information. When you put this Bible memorization activity together for your family, don’t resist adding a few longer passages of Scripture for memorization. With practice, you’ll be reciting it more readily than the Pledge of Allegiance.
P.S. If you like this post, you’ll love following my Purposeful Parenting board on Pinterest.
This is fantastic! Glitter is my favorite color and my lil diva’s love it too. I am definitely going to use this as a project for them since they are a little older and it will be sparkly fun for everyone.
Sounds great! Love that you mention glitter as your favorite color. So fun. Hope you and your girls enjoy this project as much as we do.
This is such a great, fun idea! And I love the glitter, too! I am so impressed that you are teaching them to memorize scriptures so early! I think I need to start, too!
Chelsea, I’ve been reading a lot of Christian mama blogs and some moms have their tots spouting Bible verses that even I take a looong time to memorize. It’s amazing how fast and how well little kids really can memorize Scripture.
This is really cute! I love how you see the importance of teaching children scripture at a young age. They are so smart!
Glitter is the best! I love any way we can get God’s Word in our sweet babies’ hearts and minds.
I love this idea. I’m pinning it in my memorization folder. The glitter makes it just a big more fun–especially for my girls!
You’re right, glitter is a little girl’s favorite! Thanks for stopping by, Tara.
I love this! My kids would love making these too. What a fun way to help His Word in their hearts!