My newborn is a typical newborn. He regularly wakes at night, snoozes while nursing despite every attempt to keep him awake (yes, I’m that mom who even goes to the cold washcloth on the tummy extremes), and wets more than ten diapers daily. I’m guessing the Duchess can say the same of royal baby George.
My son does have one fancy trick up his too-long pajama sleeves. Can you believe baby Elijah’s been doing since his third or forth day of life? This baby’s got skills. He’s going places, friends! Royal Baby, can you do this?
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Welcome to the Mommy-Brain Mixer! So happy you’re here.
Let’s face it, it’s fun to share stories about motherhood and our littles. As mamas, we understand one another. At the Mommy-Brain Mixer, we invite your to share about anything and everything motherhood or little people related. Be sure to visit one another. —->>This mixer is all about building community between moms.<—
This is a perfect place to find great blogs to follow, make wonderful new blog friends, and enjoy entertaining reads!

- Say hello to my co-hosts, Nicolette from Working on a Project, Leslie from Violet Imperfection.
- Link up your mommy post, not your homepage.
- Visit at least the two links ahead of you & leave comment love.
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Link on up, Ladies!
Oh my gosh what a smart and strong little guy!! The Royal Baby definitely has nothing on him!! My little guy took a few months to master that skill! Found you through the Mommy-Brain Mixer 🙂
Thanks, Kim! So glad to meet you. My little girl definitely took her good old time learning to roll over, so what a surprise it was to us to see him do it in his first week of life. Guess there will be no tummy time at our house.
Elijah is just precious!
Thank you for hosting such a great link party!
Raven J. True Blue Baking
Thanks so much for hosting, this is a neat little blog hop 🙂
Nice work, little guy!
I just realized I hadn’t linked back to you!!! Going to give you a double link back for my error friend lol! Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂
Thanks, Elizabeth! No need to fret, as I’ve realized a day late that I’d linked to a party and not mentioned it in my post. I do appreciate your kindness!
Ha! Too cute and yes that is impressively strong. Watch out royal baby 😉