Hello friends! This week, I’ve got a question for you!
How would you brighten a new mom’s day? If you were building a gift basket for a newbie mama, what would you include? With what services would you provide her? What luxuries would a worn out mama to a newborn absolutely love to have?
I’d love to hear your best tips on blessing moms with new babies at home. You can share your top shower gift picks, how someone else made your day when you were fresh to the parenting world, or shoot me a few links to great posts you or someone else have written about making a mama’s day. You may see your name & clever suggestion in an upcoming blog post, who knows?
Thank you in advance for all your creative & thoughtful tips! I can’t wait to see them pouring in down in the comments. Ya’ll really are the best!
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Oh being a mommy of a newborn is hard! I’d probably include dry shampoo for days when she can’t get a hair wash in. prepared meals that she can just pop into the oven. gosh it’s been so long since I had a newborn, but any little gesture helps!
Dry shampoo is a great idea! I know I definitely wasn’t able to shower in those first weeks nearly as often as I’d have liked. Frozen meals are great too, I agree! My husband was an excellent cook during our 1st days with Summer Elizabeth, and I’m sure he appreciated those frozen meals even more than I did. Thank you for your help, Leah!
I’d put in organic baby care items and some healthy home made goodies. If there are other children in the family I always include little gifts for them too.
What a great idea to put little goodies in for the other kids in the family. I’m sure that when a new baby comes and they’re not getting quite as much attention, that they really appreciate it. Thanks for the tip, Sylvia!
Food! I was always so thankful for any kind of food during those first few weeks…meals for the freezer, a dozen muffins for a quick snack, or anything that I didn’t have to shop for and/or prepare. Great question!
Thanks for your input, Holli! Muffins are always welcome in my house… the more the merrier!
A full home-cooked meal, including utensils, napkins, drinks, and desert. You can customize it to the family – some people would appreciate a bottle of champagne to toast the new arrival – or others might prefer a jar of home-made iced tea or juice. I prepared a basket like this for a new mom, and in addition to the dinner I added cute home-made drinks in mason jars, because I was SOOO thirsty when I started breastfeeding! I also included little notes, magazines, and muffins for breakfast the next day.
I’d love you to come be my neighbor, Erika! This sounds like the princess treatment for sure. Reading materials, muffins, AND a whole meal right down to the utensils. That’s fantastic!
For Moms I like to gift a small notebook with encouraging messages to her. A new nail polish or lip gloss and some nice smelling lotion.
The notebook idea is new to me. Love it!
Great timing! I just returned from my sister’s baby shower. This is her first, so my other sister and I (both of us have kids) put together a “new mommy” care package. We bought the diaper bag she registered for and filled it with those things you don’t know you need until you need them RIGHT THEN…nursing pads and cream/ointment, fuzzy socks/slippers/flip flops (for the hospital), a nursing cami, etc. We also threw in some of our favorite go-to snacks for those late-night nursing sessions (granola bars, etc).
When I had my son, a friend brought me a “mommy care package” in the hospital…all stuff of me (snacks, lotion, chapstick, etc.)
You’re right! That is perfect timing. What a kind way to love on your sister. Hope she had a wonderful shower. I always love attending them, and not only for the cake 🙂
Being a new mom IS hard! I’m kinda nervous to go through it again, even though I know what to expect this time around. But now, I’ll have a toddler to tend to as well. Scary! I’d include some yummy homemade goodies and “coupons” to spend a day with the new mama so she has someone else to help her with the baby and just someone else to talk to. Maybe offer to do her hair or makeup 🙂
Great idea! Even just painting your nails is a task with a newborn on board.
I’d include little bits n pieces that the Mum wasn’t able to have for the last 9 months but probably won’t think to buy before bub is born – some brie, bubbly, sushi voucher, etc etc.
Ah, brie! Love feta, brie, Camembert, and all the other soft “forbidden” cheeses. Great idea! Sushi is perfect too.
Gift Certificate to order emergency pizza! 🙂 You never know when dinner can get thrown off – lol…
Sounds perfect to me! We love making pizza at home, but you can be sure that’s going to be the last thing on my to-do list with a newborn around. Love it!
I actually blogged about this back in 2011. You can tread the post here http://fluffimama.blogspot.com/2011/08/best-gifts-for-new-mom.html
I’ve seen it mentioned already but food was a big thing. It meant a lot to me for someone to think of my family and made a meal for us to eat after the baby came. Our first child came when we were far from home and a couple nice neighbors brought us some homemade meals. The second time we were in the same neighborhood as family. We got a lot of carry out (they all work long hours) and a couple homemade meals from good friends.
I really appreciated all of them, as it took a lot of work of of my husband and I as well as giving us something more than just sandwiches, boxed dinners, etc. You know the ‘easy’ stuff.
Time really is a great gift too. A friend coming over with a shake or a drink from my favorite place and sitting with me to visit. Holding my hand, reminding me that we all go through this. Somehow they always end up folding laundry 🙂
I haven’t bought many new mom gifts persay. My best friend had a baby last year and we showered her in the hospital with brownies, champagne and lotions/body wash. I bought my sister a body pillow because I saw her struggling to get comfortable after her c-section. I don’t consider those things gifts though, you know what I mean? You see a need and you fill it.
I like to give the new Mama a gift certificate to a restaurant nearby that offers delivery or a to go option. Cooking is so hard and somedays having dinner delivered to your door is such a relief.
I also had someone come visit us after V was born and they offered to do laundry or other cleaning and it was so awesome because it is those little house chores that are so daunting in the beginning.
Laundry does begin to pile up, doesn’t it, when a newborn’s around. That’s especially true when you cloth diaper. I remember washing so very many diapers in the beginning. Having a helper around the house would be great!
One of the things I spent a lot of time doing as a new mom was watching tv or netflix (so much time sitting nursing!) So maybe a month of Netflix GC? Or a season of a favorite tv show?
I think that’s a great idea! So many moms do spend hours a day nursing, so why not pass the time with your favorite program?
I recently gave a friend a basket with medicine cabinets must-haves. Gas-x for both baby and mom, fever reducer, gripe water, hair ties, eye drops, a cream for nursing soreness, and diaper cream. Thanks for hosting 🙂
Sounds like a great gift to me! When Summer was born, I meant to add a few baby meds to the cabinet but never did. Thankfully, we’ve not needed them, but it sure would be helpful to have around just in case. Thanks for visiting, Nicolette!