Do you have one of these…
but not much of this?
If you’re a mom with an infant, you know just how very much time you spend each day cuddling and nursing your tiny blessing baby. If you’re like me, you also tend to daydream during this time, make mental lists, and otherwise count the seconds until you can stand up again and get back to daily tasks.
Why not take advantage of this precious time with your little one and pray?
“In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
Pray for your family. Pray for your friends. Intercede for missionaries, people in authority, govt. officials, countries at war. There’s no better time than the present to both strengthen your relationship with your Creator and teach your darling baby the importance of heart time with God. Pray with your child. Pray over your child. Rest in God’s presence.
Have a blessed day!
Found your post on looking up link-up this morning. Love it. So funny the post I shared had a very similar message, I wish I would have caught on to this with my first baby:)
Thanks for stopping by to visit, Katelyn. Isn’t it funny the things that never occur to you until later on..? I had no idea, for instance, that baby onesies were made with those strange overlapping shoulder pieces so that they slide down over the body in case of blowouts. Now, that’s something I wish I’d known with my first child. Great to meet you! Hope to see you around here again soon.
This is great advice. Thanks for sharing.
i’m reminding myself of that verse more than I even think 😀
i really needed to read this. It reiterates the fact that prayer is the solution, not becoming worked up with anxiety. Thanks for sharing, Jeli!
Great advice! I would often pray over my kids during those times–but never made it an actual, organized plan–kind of just whatever/whoever was on my mind. Great idea to make it a conscious thing.
Also–the onsie thing from the previous comment–CRAZY! I never knew that and I have 3 kids who have been through that stage! Hahah!
Ally, don’t get me wrong. I’m pretty sure that when I wrote this article a few years back I had no organized plan- it just happened to work out that my mind would lean toward prayer. Goodness, having a newborn is the ideal time for a well-prioritized day, but I’m unable to claim that I have mastered that….and I’ll soon have my third newborn in my arms. Thank you so much for stopping by today.
YES! I realized I was always looking for the “right” moments to pray, and after children – those don’t really exist. SO, I pray over the child, about the child, or now, with the 2.5 year old!
YES! One of the best parts of parenting is when your child learns to pray. Those first prayers, so simple, sweet, and genuine even if they are just repeating prayers and phrases they’ve heard you mutter hundreds of times. There’s nothing like it!
Those seasons of life when I spent hours nursing, rocking and cuddling my babies were some of the most profitable for praying and growing in that side of my relationship with Jesus.
YES! Mine too, and here’s hoping the same rings true when my third child is born in September. There’s nothing like holding a wee infant in your arms to get a teensy tiny idea of the immense love God has for us, his children. Thank you for stopping by today, Marissa!
I love this and hope to remember to do the same when we have our children!
Great idea. What a glorious combination: snuggling a baby while talking to the Lord.
It really is the best! Memories to last a lifetime.
What a precious post. Praying over your child and family has a sweetness to the thought. I think God must smile.
Funny you mention that, Pamela. I once had to come up with a mission statement for my life and mine included “living a life to make God smile.” Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to visit.
A friend of mine reads the Bible to her older children while nursing the baby. Even though they were still quite young they were learning stories about David and other Bible heroes this way. Great habit!
You know I should’ve begun participating in these blog comments threads more often! So much fun to follow blogger friends and what they’re saying. Anyway, I DO have a baby {10 months} and I feel like time is slowly slipping through my fingers the older he gets. I feel myself having to watch him and keep an eye WAY more now that he’s mobile. I was just telling Hubby today that I don’t have as much blogging time as I would like because the baby takes more of it now….I’m not complaining, I”m thankful to have a baby! 🙂 But yes, all that to say – time is less now that I have a baby!
Agreed! Time for hobbies, prayer time, and other activities is definitely more limited when baby arrives. Yours is still small, but once they hit about 2 years old, give or take a little, they’ll play by themselves for at least 15 minutes at a time freeing you up to do something else. Enjoy your little one, Danielle!
What a great, great reminder!! Thank you for sharing this encouragement!
AGreed. My kids are in their 20’s and I pray for them all the time. Did when they were little. Praying with them as they get older is important too.
We can all start our day in prayer, even in the shower. I always remind ladies when I speak to them that instead of running down your to-do list first thing – run to The Father in Prayer.
Absolutely! I remember those days so well, and wish I had had your wisdom! Blessings!