When you’re new to cloth diapering, it’s easy to get lost in all the bizarre terminology and piles of paraphernalia that are marketed to you.
You’ve got two choices- get informed or get frustrated.
I learned everything I know about how to cloth diaper online since I didn’t know a single person who used modern cloth diapers. I made mistakes along the way and learned enough to write novels on this subject, so I’d love to help you avoid the most common mistakes parents make when new to cloth diapering.
I’m here to make your cloth diapering experience enjoyable and effective. Cloth diapering is initially a big investment (that pays off!) even when you know how to get free diapers. Let’s make sure you’re investing once and investing well. Your baby’s healthy little fluff-covered hiney will thank you.
Most Common Mistakes Parents Make When New to Cloth Diapering
- Not doing their homework.
- Buying what’s best for other families.
- Buying lots of the same brand
- Overstocking or understocking
- Forgetting to prep new diapers before use.
- Using regular detergent
- Expecting the same diapers to work for all children
- Overlooking freebies
- Not consulting the cloth diapering experts for advice
- Forgetting to buy the best cloth diaper user manual
Additional video notes:
- Cloth diaper terminology explained
- Diaperswappers.com
- Must-have CD Manual-> Changing Diapers: a Hip Mom’s Guide to Modern Cloth Diapering
- How to choose a CD-friendly detergent and recommended detergents for washing cloth diapers
If you’ve still got questions about topics covered today or anything cloth diapers, shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to help make your family’s cloth diapering experience a positive one.
Note- That sweet little face up there is a friend’s baby that I had the privilege of photographing when he was a brand new week old baby. Swoon!
Good to visit here again! I love what you’ve done to the blog! Looks great!
What a great vlog, Jelli! I wanted to cloth diaper, but got completely overwhelmed with the information and just let that idea go by the wayside. I didn’t know anyone else who cloth diapered, and I had no support from my family for doing it. Still, your vlog makes me wish that I’d tried a little harder to learn before Britton was born, and if we ever have a second baby, I’ll be coming back here!