When you’re out and about with an infant, the last thing you want to do is worry about a diaper change. Of course, there’s really no way to avoid the inevitable, but there are a few ways to shave time off diaper changes when you’re out of the house.
Most parents would agree that laying your sweet cuddly infant down onto plastic germ-laden diaper stations found in most establishments is just plain yuck. That means a fast diaper change is in order. I cringe thinking about all the bacteria lurking there from all the diapers changes that have taken place before. Thankfully, I leave the house prepared, and can generally whip that diaper off and have a fresh one clinging to my daughter’s round little behind lickety split. What’s my trick?
Pack all diapering essentials inside a wetbag. No fumbling around in the diaper bag, just grab, open, remove contents & get your change on. Stash one diaper, one cloth wipe, and a diaper cover inside a small wetbag and place it on top of everything else in the diaper bag. When Baby needs a fresh diaper, all you have to do is pull out the wetbag, unzip, and have everything you need right at your fingertips. Since we cloth diaper, I stash the soiled diaper right back inside the wetbag, wash my hands, bundle Summer Elizabeth into our orange Sleepwrap (now Boba), and jet out of the loo.
Swaddlebees Wetbag
Whether you cloth diaper or not, it’s always great to have a wetbag on hand. They’re great for holding soiled bibs, wet clothes, soiled burp rags, and even mama cloth. Wetbags with snapping handle are the best. You can hang them anywhere when you’re juggling diapering supplies and dealing with an acrobatic baby. They can also snap right onto a stroller handle, diaper bag strap, door handle, or backpack.
Thanks Jelli, you’ve always got great ideas 🙂
Thank you for hosting, I love this link up with all the great mom stories.
hello! new follower from the gfc collective blog hop!
Go you, Jelli, for acing out the diaper change so well! Sounds like you have got this one down! Plus, that’s a really cute bag too 🙂
Im so glad I dont have to change diapers anymore! But that definitely sounds very handy! 🙂
Hey, Jelli. Thanks so much for hosting!
Linked up my post, “Hello. I love you. Can I brighten your day?”
Thanks for hosting and the reminder email 🙂
Julie @ Naptime Review
When mine were babies we didn’t have those change table things in the bathrooms, not that I would have ever used, yuck is right. We did changes in the vehicle if need be. Got pretty good at it too. Now cold winter days was tricky, used to freeze my butt off with it hanging out the vehicle (not naked haha) with them under a blanket. Was a feat to say the least.